Room Service at the Shangri-La Le Touessrok

The Shangri-La Le Touessrok is an exclusive 5 star hotel on the East coast of Mauritius.

As our 15 day luxury holiday to Mauritius was coming to an end, we checked into the Shangri-La Le Touessrok where it quickly became clear that the best was most definitely saved until last.

The whole experience was a true luxury – Kings and Queens would have been comfortable! But you can read all about our full experience at the Shangri-La Le Touessrok here.

As of now, we’re here to discuss the room service.

When you call up for a spot of ’in-room dining’ at the Shangri-La Le Touessrok, you can expect to receive the most exquisite experience yet.

One thing that we all like to check out, when staying at participating hotels, is the room service. Unsurprisingly, Jay and I called for room service during our stay. Several hours prior, we had just checked into the Shangri-La Le Touessrok and had already explored the grounds, signed up to off shore excursions and made our joint inaugural visit to Île aux Cerfs (an idyllic, white sand & turquoise lagoon, private island off mainland Mauritius). As we arrived back at our Frangipani Suite, tiredness set in for both of us; it was late and getting ready to go out for dinner, after a full day out in the Mauritian sun, felt like too much of a chore. We decided to check out the ’in-room dining’ menu, ordering samosas with a burger and fries (yes we’re British!).

Shortly after we placed our order, there was a knock at the door. The staff had arrived with our food that was beautifully presented on a gorgeous, dark wood, butlers tray. The aesthetics didn’t stop there; our dishes came hygienically covered in stainless steel plate cloches (you know, those gorgeous, shiny, mirrored domes you see in Hollywood movies), offering us the very essence of top class sophistication.

It was at this point when the staff presented us question; did we want them to set our in-room table up for dining? We kindly declined the offer as we didn’t want any of the faff. Instead, we left the food on the tray so that we could eat dinner in bed – it doesn’t quite have the same ring as ‘breakfast in bed’ but it felt equally as good! Furthermore, we decided to indulge in the said ‘faff’ in the days following.

Jay and I came to find that the 5 star experience really is about the attention to detail; all of these little touches here and there add up to create the exclusive experience. For example, at the Shangri-La Le Touessrok, the condiments are served in tamperproof glass jars and you have the option to dine in a civilized manner whilst in your suite as the staff will prepare your in-room table prior to your meal. You will also find that whether you are ‘in-room dining’ late at night or in the afternoon, an effort with presentation will be made; your butlers tray might be dressed with a lit candle or fresh flower clippings might be sitting in a vase next to your food. Ultimately the details are there so take time out to acknowledge and enjoy them.


The food is well cooked, deliciously flavourful, the portions were generous, the wait was brief and the presentation was thoughtful. So yes, the room service was worth every penny and we most definitely would order it again should we choose to revisit Shangri-La Le Touessrok Mauritius. In fact we actually did call up for ‘in-room dining’ another two times after our initial, late night room service experience. However on those occasions, we dined a touch more formally by opting to have our in-room table prepared for the meals and it did not disappoint!

The presentation was quite exquisite; both occasions felt like very special and bespoke escapades. So special, they deserve their own blog post. To read on about our more formal in-room dining experiences at the Shangri-La Le Touessrok, click here:


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